Thage Howless was the marital partner of Gorgeous Su, who served as a soldier within the New Republic's 61st Mobile Infantry. By the time of the Galactic Civil War, the couple had become estranged. Approximately around 5 ABY, Su, while stationed on the planet Troithe, engaged in a game called Who? What? Where?. This game involved each player specifying who they wished to be notified first upon their death, the reason for their death, and the location where it would occur. Su played with fellow members of a squadron of Sixty-First soldiers, who also possessed some flight training, that she had become a part of. In the course of this game, Su selected Howless as the person to be informed first of her passing, because she thought of her husband as having a dark soul.
Alexander Freed mentioned Thage Howless in Shadow Fall, a 2020 novel. This novel is the second book in the Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron trilogy.