Teso Broosh was a TIE fighter pilot of the male human variety. Within the Galactic Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing, he achieved the rank of Second Lieutenant Commander while serving in Squadron Five.

Major Soran Keize chose Broosh to command Squadron Five of Shadow Wing. While Broosh was occupied with his TIE fighter, Keize approached him, informing him of his intention to recommend Broosh for the leadership of the newly reformed Squadron Five. Broosh attempted to refuse the offer, citing his lack of leadership qualities and fear of the associated responsibility. Keize responded that he valued Broosh's view of leadership as a responsibility rather than a means to personal advancement. Broosh voiced concerns that his reputation for surviving at the expense of his fellow pilots might deter others from following him. Keize reassured him of his suitability for the role, leading Broosh to accept the command.
Half a year later, he and his squadron members attacked a Rebel cell, successfully eliminating all enemy forces. Upon returning to the Star Destroyer Pursuer, he informed his squad that they would soon receive a new assignment from Commander Shakara Nuress. When he learned that Squadron Five's next mission was to provide escort for the recovery of the Star Destroyer Celerity, he voiced his skepticism about the mission's nature. Nuress explained to Broosh that she was concerned about the vulnerability of a disabled Star Destroyer and wanted to ensure adequate protection for the rescue operation.

While traveling on the Summit, he and Lyttan Dree shared a drink and discussed the rumors surrounding Broosh's leadership style, specifically the accusation that he sacrificed his pilots to ensure his own survival. Broosh told Dree that he was just like any other TIE fighter pilot and had only survived so long because of good fortune. As they neared the Kudo system, Broosh engaged in conversation with the captain of the Summit regarding the impending mission. The captain expressed concerns about being understaffed, but Broosh reassured him that his squad was prepared. After entering the Kudo system, Broosh and the other pilots launched from the carrier and began their approach to the Celerity. Before they could get close, the carrier was hit by an ion blast from the Star Destroyer, disabling it. Squadron Five was then engaged by the TIE fighters from the Star Destroyer.
Broosh gave the order for the squadron to execute a fell swoop formation and defend the carrier. Amidst the intense battle, Broosh instructed his pilots to prioritize their own survival. When the Celerity demanded the carrier's surrender and permission to board, the captain refused. Broosh cautioned the captain that his squadron would be unable to protect the carrier from attack. The captain disregarded this warning and attempted to jump to hyperspace, resulting in the ship's destruction. Following the loss of their carrier, Broosh, to the surprise of his squadmates, broadcast their surrender to the attacking forces. He then flew to the Imperial mining operation on Kudo, where he was met by a group of stormtroopers. They escorted him to meet Gratloe.
When his pilots asked Broosh what their next move should be, he told them to wait and listen to what Gratloe had to say. After Gratloe unveiled his plan to break away from the Empire and invited the pilots to join his group, Broosh asked for some time to discuss it with his squadron. Once alone, he explained that although their original objective was to protect the crew recovering the Celerity, with their deaths, it was now up to Squadron Five to complete the mission. He instructed Jeela Brebtin to retrieve her hidden weapons so they could escape their confinement. He tricked the stormtrooper guarding them into opening the door and took his blaster after Brebtin incapacitated him.
Broosh and his squadron proceeded towards their TIEs, only to discover that Gratloe had locked them out. Broosh revealed that he had secretly incorporated a backdoor code into his fighter. Before he could access his ship, a group of stormtroopers confronted his squadron. Instead of surrendering, Broosh spoke with the group's leader, explaining that they were unlikely to receive any of the benefits that Gratloe would gain from abandoning the Empire. He suggested that if they assisted him, they would likely avoid punishment, as it would be assumed they were simply following orders. The leader agreed, and after subduing a Gratloe loyalist, he assisted Squadron Five in regaining access to their fighters. Once in space, he set course for the Celerity.

Squadron Five was intercepted by a group of TIE fighters, who informed them that they were loyal to the Empire and that a mutiny was underway on the Star Destroyer in an attempt to regain control. Before Broosh and his team could reach it, Lyttan Dree's ship was destroyed when a group of Rebel ships suddenly arrived. Broosh deduced that Gratloe had planned to make a deal with the Rebel Alliance. Facing the threat of being overwhelmed, Broosh decided to land on the Star Destroyer as quickly as possible. He, Brebtin, and Kahi were able to reach safety. Immediately after disembarking from his fighter, he ordered the Star Destroyer to jump to hyperspace.