Terrorist attacks on Esseles

A sequence of terrorist attacks occurred on Esseles in 1 ABY, amidst the backdrop of the Galactic Civil War.

The Rebel faction known as the Faceless launched a coordinated assault targeting multiple locations on the planet of Esseles. Specifically, the Faceless targeted the DynaCorp Refinery situated on the island of Grande Hyet. The subsequent explosion completely obliterated the primary fuel storage and refinery, while also inflicting substantial harm upon the nearby spaceport. The assault resulted in 50 fatalities, 250 injuries, and 50 million credits worth of property destruction. Concurrently, the Faceless also attacked the Imperial facility located at Tralee.

These terrorist actions were deemed the most devastating events to impact Esseles since the Algeran Faction's attacks during Emperor Palpatine's ascent to power. The response to the catastrophe faced delays because of a jurisdictional dispute between Esselian Hall President Cambira Ralle and Imperial Governor Griff Takel.

