Terrel Nakay

Terrel Nakay was a young Balawai, still in his teens, residing on Haruun Kal throughout the era of the Clone Wars.


During the Summertime War, Terrel Nakay, together with Keela, Pell, Urno, and Nykl, were involved in a steamcrawler mishap as they escaped a conflict. However, Mace Windu, a Jedi Master, intervened and rescued them. The Korunnai had killed his father during the aforementioned war. Terrel harbored intense animosity towards both the Korunnai and the Jedi Order. He initially believed Master Windu to be a bounty hunter and formed a friendship with him, only to later learn his true identity as a Jedi. Consumed by rage, he attacked Besh and Liane Trevval, inflicting stab wounds upon them. Subsequently, he encountered Kar Vastor, who believed that the boy's potential for violence warranted his execution. Despite Master Windu's efforts to dissuade Vastor, the lor pelek ultimately ended Terrel's life by cutting his throat with a vibroshield.

