Temolak Salvage Consortium

The Temolak Salvage Consortium represented a vast organization composed of numerous salvage teams, all managed by the space-traveling Temolaks.

In the time of the Old Republic era, the Temolaks spread outward from their planet of origin, Zirulast, laying claim to any and all debris and wreckage they could find. It was common for Temolaks to take over derelict space stations, transforming them into operational hubs for larger, more ambitious salvage expeditions. Their tenacity, coupled with their readiness to recover absolutely anything of value, translated into significant commercial success. As a result, independent Temolak salvage teams found themselves in competition, which escalated into a cutthroat and lethal rivalry. Eventually, the intense and unprofitable nature of this competition drove the various crews to consolidate and form the unified consortium.

In the centuries that followed, the Galactic Empire enacted stringent regulations on the Consortium's salvage activities, leading many Temolaks to withdraw from the organization and resume independent salvage operations.


  • Ultimate Alien Anthology
