Taver Soren

Taver Soren shared a similar background with many individuals who enlisted in the Galactic Empire.


Gaining acceptance into the Imperial Academy felt like a dream come true for him. He demonstrated a natural aptitude for both tactical thinking and ground-based assaults. After his time at the academy, he steadily advanced through the ranks, eventually attaining the position of lieutenant in command of an AT-AT. His assignments typically involved neutralizing large enemy assault vehicles. Regardless of whether these vehicles belonged to the Rebellion or were simply part of a disobedient populace, his orders consistently focused on eliminating the vehicles themselves, never targeting the population directly, until the Battle of Endor.

When Taver and his walker unit received orders to deploy to the forest moon of Endor, he initially believed it would be a routine mission. However, he was deeply disturbed by the order to open fire on the defenseless Ewoks, witnessing the resulting devastation. Torn between his duty and his disgust at the Empire's reprehensible actions, he made the decision to withdraw his AT-AT from the conflict. It was only after the Second Death Star was destroyed that the corrupting influence of the Emperor finally dissipated, prompting Taver to rejoin the battle, this time fighting alongside the Rebels. When the walker's crew finally emerged from the vehicle after the battle, the rebels were taken aback when they saw an Imperial officer instead of a group of rebels who had presumably seized the walker. At that moment, Taver requested to join the ranks of the Rebellion.

Although he was certain about his desire to leave the malevolent Empire behind, he still faced internal struggles and encountered skepticism from certain factions within the newly established New Republic. Not all members were willing to trust a "reformed" Imperial officer, leading to instances where his inquiries were ignored and his offers of assistance were rejected. He also felt uneasy with the Republic's more relaxed command structure, and he had some reservations about the presence of aliens in positions of authority. While he was strongly committed to making amends for his involvement with the Empire, he was not entirely convinced that the Republic was the ideal environment for him to do so.

Shortly after the Battle of Endor concluded, he established a business on the Crystal Web Station, operating a starship repair bay known as "We Fix Anything." While he kept his connection to the Republic discreet during his time there, he consistently made an effort to assist members of the Republic whenever they required his services.


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