"Tauntaun" represents the seventh installment of the online series Star Wars Galactic Pals. In this episode, Safari droid M1-RE gains knowledge regarding the proper care of a lively tauntaun. Its debut occurred in conjunction with the eighth episode, "Rancor," on StarWarsKids.com on October 18, 2022.
Within a simulated snowy environment located on the Youngling Care Space Station, M1-RE ("Miree") and CAM-E construct a Fireball landspeeder to compete in a race against a tauntaun youngling. Miree assigns CAM-E the objective of exhausting the tauntaun through this race. However, CAM-E quickly experiences a crash, leading Miree to adjust her strategy.
With the tauntaun retaining its energy, she proceeds to create a race track intended to tire it out. This track incorporates slides and catapults to serve as challenging obstacle courses. In spite of these obstacles, the tauntaun emerges as the victor of the race. Drained from the competition, the tauntaun settles in for a restful nap. Miree and CAM-E opt to power down as well.