Tashna Sylo

Tashna Sylo was a Human who was married to Griggen Sylo. They were the proprietors of a sizable farm located in the remote areas of the Outer Rim planet Dantooine, during the final years of the Galactic Republic; this farm had remained within the Sylo family for a full ten generations. The couple dedicated themselves to cultivating tritacale and yot beans, both to stock up food for their seven children and to sell beyond their world. Paxi, the youngest of the Sylo's offspring, came into the world sometime between 30 BBY and 31 BBY. The Sylo's farm was no longer in use by the time the Galactic Empire came into being in 19 BBY.

Behind the scenes

Tashna Sylo's name appeared as one of Paxi Sylo's parents within the initial Databank entry for the character on StarWars.com, which was originally published during 2004.


  • Paxi Sylo in the Databank (original site is defunct) (First mentioned)

Notes and references
