Tarlo Ganar

Tarlo Ganar served as a military strategist for the Khil.

Once a fellow soldier with Colonel Quaal Tavier Catharius of Bitthævrian descent, Ganar also commanded the Belnar Sector Force, successfully guiding them to triumph over their rivals from across the stars, the Peltsic League.

Because of his advanced years, Ganar was required to retire. Unhappy with this prospect, Ganar chose to align himself with Catharius, who had risen to become the head of the m'Yalfor'ac Order in his homeland of Guiteica. Ganar became a member of the Order, sitting on its four-person governing council, and stood out as one of only two members not from Bitthævria. Despite proving his worth, the Bitthævrian people had not fully accepted him by 2 ABY.


  • Alliance Intelligence Reports (Initial mention)
  • Ultimate Alien Anthology

Notes and references
