Taozin amulets, which are also known as Taozin skin nodules, were amulets crafted from a secreted material that accumulated on the skin of Taozin creatures. These amulets had the effect of distorting and obscuring Force perceptions, making it difficult for Force-sensitive individuals to easily detect the wearer. Darth Maul, a Dark Lord of the Sith, once likened the experience of trying to sense a being wearing one to "almost like encountering a surface so slick that one could find no purchase on it.
The nodules possessed a semi-transparent quality, exhibited an approximately spherical shape, and ranged in size from about that of a human thumb to that of a human fist. Their color was a light yellow, bearing a resemblance to the color of a Rancor's tusk.
Around 32 BBY, Lorn Pavan was in possession of a nodule that his droid partner, I-5YQ, had procured from a living taozin encountered in the lower levels of Coruscant. He utilized the nodule to conceal himself from Maul during a failed attempt to assassinate the Sith Lord. The artifact's cloaking ability proved so potent that Maul was unable to perceive Pavan's presence, even when directly observing him.
Inquisitors on Imperial Center also employed these amulets around 18 BBY. In that same year, Gregar Typho acquired a nodule from a Kubaz pharmacist while planning an assassination attempt against Darth Vader. The pharmacist regarded the nodule as a "rare curiosity."