This 8-page comic, entitled "Tales from Mos Eisley: Heggs' Tale", initially appeared in Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 2, a publication from Topps released in Winter of 1995. Subsequently, it was reprinted by Dark Horse Comics in March of 1996 within the pages of the Star Wars: Tales from Mos Eisley comic. The story's timeline is set in 3 ABY.
A spacer named Sam Heggs encounters a bounty hunter who is indulging in Vaschean rye. Heggs offers a grumph egg in return for a taste of the drink. The bounty hunter, identified as Jeet Travis, requests a detailed account of how Heggs obtained the egg, seeking confirmation of its authenticity. Heggs recounts his experience on the frozen world of Nimba Five, where he was hunting bemis and stumbled upon a grumph egg nest. Inexplicably, he then noticed a dense jungle located just beyond a small decline.
Heggs descended the slope and soon witnessed a young man being pursued by a massive, purple, and aggressive grumph. The grumph bypassed Heggs, continuing its chase of the man up a tree. Heggs drew his blaster and fired at the creature, but the energy bolts passed harmlessly through it. Heggs then retreated to the nest of eggs and destroyed them all with blaster fire. This action caused the grumph, and the entire jungle environment, to vanish. Heggs reveals to Jeet that the young man he witnessed was himself, and that, inexplicably, destroying the eggs in the present prevented the grumph from ever being born in the past. Jeet dismisses his story and reclaims his drink, only to find it completely empty. Heggs then hands over the egg, which Jeet discovers has a flavor "tastes like battery acid."