The Tal'cara was a heavy cruiser of the Dreadnaught-class, utilized and possessed by the Bothan Spynet.
Leading up to the Battle of Endor, the Tal'cara served as transportation for a team of Bothan representatives during a meeting between the Spynet and the Rebel Alliance. Y-wings from Calico squadron provided escort. The meeting was conducted in deep space, likely for security purposes and to establish a neutral environment. The meeting's objective was to discuss the terms of the Spynet's infiltration of the second Death Star.
The Alliance cruiser Liberty was present to represent the Rebellion during the negotiations, arriving at the designated location first, escorted by two A-wings piloted by the renowned Olin Garn and Ace Azzameen. Shortly after, the Tal'cara arrived and positioned itself at a distance from the Liberty. Subsequently, the Lambda-class T-4a shuttle Jade launched from the Tal'cara, transporting the delegates, including their leader, Borsk Fey'lya, to the Liberty.
However, before the shuttle could reach the Liberty's hangar bay, a mercenary force launched an attack on the meeting. Skipray Blastboats targeted the Tal'cara and its escorting Y-wings, while Authority IRDs pursued Jade. The quick response of the Alliance A-Wing pilots, however, prevented the IRDs from destroying the shuttle. Simultaneously, the Tal'cara and its Y-wing escorts defended against the Skiprays and a Marauder-class corvette named Intruder.
The mercenaries were eventually defeated; the Alliance shuttle Compassion rescued a survivor from escape pod EE-763, which had been launched by the Corvette. The survivor claimed he had been hired by the Sullustans. After the meeting concluded, Tal'cara retrieved her delegates and jumped to hyperspace.