
During the Clone Wars, a male Defel named Ta'Veel served the Thaereian military, which functioned as the armed forces for the Thaereian system. As an operator within Thaereian Intelligence, the military's secret service division, Ta'Veel was stationed on Burnout, a space station in orbit around the planet Zham Hlar. He harbored a disdain for Xirossk, a Trandoshan and fellow Thaereian Intelligence agent on Burnout, viewing him as weak and a disgrace to his species.

Around 21 BBY, Ta'Veel was discreetly observing the viewing platform of an arena on Burnout where prisoners were sacrificed to dangerous beasts, when he witnessed a secret meeting between Xirossk and a group of freelance agents originating from the Cularin system. After eavesdropping on Xirossk's plea for the freelancers' assistance in abandoning the Thaereian forces, the Defel used a comlink to inform his superiors on Burnout. Consequently, an alert was broadcast throughout the space station, branding Xirossk a Separatist terrorist and ordering his apprehension.

Behind the scenes

The Star Wars Legends character Ta'Veel was mentioned in The Air Up Thaere, a roleplaying adventure written by Morrie Mullins and Lee Pickler. This adventure, published by RPGA in 2002, served as the second installment in the Looking In trilogy within the Living Force roleplaying campaign.

