
Syreena, a Human smuggler of the female persuasion, was employed by Viidu during the tense Cold War era. This conflict occurred between the Galactic Republic and the newly reformed Sith Empire.


Syreena was a member of Viidu's organization at Fort Garnik in 3643 BBY. Unbeknownst to Viidu, she started secretly collaborating with Skavak and engaged in a romantic relationship with him. After Bracco threatened her, the smuggler provided assistance. Following the demise of Viidu at her hands, Syreena attempted to conceal her involvement after Skavak's act of betrayal, but the smuggler observed the entire sequence of events. She admitted to Ace that she briefly worked for Skavak, and apologized for her actions, stating that Skavak had misled her. The smuggler then permitted her to depart, and Syreena subsequently departed from the planet Ord Mantell.

Behind the scenes

Eliminating Syreena is a Dark Side choice that Corso Riggs would disapprove of, though no influence is lost. His stance is that women deserve respectful treatment, even if they are treacherous killers.

