
The Syndicat functioned as a criminal enterprise that exerted its dominance over the planet of Phindar in the era of the Galactic Republic.

Those Phindians who dared to oppose the Syndicat's authority were forced to undergo a memory wipe, an action analogous to the process employed on droids. Furthermore, the Syndicat maintained an alliance with Prince Beju, a young man of influence hailing from Gala. Beju and the Syndicat conspired to disrupt Gala's bacta provision and strategically influence the area, intending to portray themselves as saviors when they reestablished the bacta commerce.

Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn effectively brought the Syndicat's operations to an end, leading to the restoration of Republic governance on the planet. Despite this setback, Beju independently moved forward with the Gala scheme.

