
Sybar, a criminal kingpin, operated on the planet Brentaal IV throughout the Rebellion era. His objective was to dominate the criminal activities within Votrad Independent Downport, situated in the urban center of Votrad.

Sybar's criminal organization's members evaded a law enforcement trap, taking refuge in a field of wreckage. It was suspected they were laying snares, recovering hidden stashes of armaments and provisions, and potentially enlisting local scavengers as they waited for Sybar's transport. The assumption was that if these escaped criminals were not captured prior to their extraction, Sybar's organization would regain its influence in the adjacent spaceport, and Sybar would exact retribution upon those responsible for their expulsion.


  • Platt's Smugglers Guide (First mentioned)
  • "Quick Locations" on (content now obsolete; backup link)

Notes and references
