Swamp of Fallen Stars

Swamp of Fallen Stars 2 The Swamp of Fallen Stars.

The Swamp of Fallen Stars existed as a swampy area on the Yavin 4 moon. It sat geographically between Val'Arnos Jungle and Nicolo Peak. Following the Battle of Yavin, the destruction of the first Death Star resulted in many fragments plummeting into this swamp, leaving behind craters and scorched vegetation. After the Rebel Alliance left Yavin 4, the Empire tasked Nagem Dr'Lar with the mission of retrieving sensitive technologies from within the swampy terrain. However, Osae Meilea and the Hutts significantly hampered her operations.

Behind the scenes

Within the Star Wars Galaxies MMORPG, the Swamp of Fallen Stars was one of several designated regions on a planet.

