Suubatars were impressive mounts that originated on the vast plains of Ansion. Reaching heights of six meters, they possessed striking lavender eyes, flecked with silver. Their streamlined, tapering skulls suggested a capacity for great speed. When moving at full speed, suubatars propelled themselves with six powerful legs, their long, spread toes providing grip on the grasslands, allowing them to traverse the prairies with both speed and grace. Upon hearing the command "Elup!" they would begin their gallop, raising each set of legs in sequence: first the front, then the middle, and finally the rear. Each foot was equipped with six toes, and they were surprisingly adept swimmers.
The body of a suubatar was long and slender, terminating in a thin tail that reached the length of its legs. Their bodies were covered in a dense coat of short, soft, bronze-colored fur, patterned with distinctive green stripes, which served as effective camouflage on the Ansonian plains. They had a single nostril, lacked a mane, and their ears were positioned flat against their heads. Suubatars possessed an exceptional hearing range, extending up to 25kHz.
Suubatars were omnivorous creatures, equipped with massive, hinged jaws that enabled them to swallow large fruits and small prey whole. Four prominent canine teeth extended from both the upper and lower jaws, giving them a formidable appearance. However, this was a misleading impression, as domesticated suubatars were consistently gentle and patient when treated with respect. Riders of suubatars were seated in leather viann supports, which elevated them above the animal's spinal ridge.
Suubatars had a long history of domestication, and were typically the exclusive privilege of the Alwari Highborn. Riding a suubatar was a clear indication of status and refined taste among the Alwari. Consequently, these beautiful and imposing creatures were highly prized and commanded a high price.
In 22 BBY, a Jedi team, including Masters Luminara Unduli and Obi-Wan Kenobi, along with their Padawans Barriss Offee and Anakin Skywalker, acquired six purebred suubatars for themselves and their Alwari guides. This occurred during their mission to resolve a border dispute on the planet, and to persuade all parties involved to resist secession efforts and vote to remain in the Galactic Republic. The Jedi, having traded for the animals to facilitate their overland journey across the prairies in search of the ruling tribal overclans, were amazed by the speed, elegance, and smooth movement of their magnificent, towering steeds.
While it was commonly believed that no suubatar could outpace an airtruck, these agile beasts were undoubtedly more maneuverable. As the saying went, attempting to corner an Alwari rider on a skilled suubatar was a surefire way to meet one's demise.
It was known that wild, untamed suubatars were known to attack and destroy entire caravans.