Sutloo's Trading Post

Sutloo's Trading Post, a modest establishment, was situated roughly 3 kilometers from Storrd Township. The proprietor was an aged pioneer named Sutloo.

The trading post was a wooden structure, ingeniously built within the confines of a sizable blue tree, elevated above the jungle floor. A sweeping, spiraling stairway encircled the tree trunk, ascending to a spacious veranda furnished with chairs and tables. The area surrounding the tree's base had been cleared, creating designated landing zones for freighters and airspeeders.

The store's inventory consisted of essential survival equipment, primarily catering to settlers and smugglers operating jungle camps, who preferred to avoid conspicuous supply runs into town.

Tern Ashandrik maintained an account at the trading post, established by Shesstellek, and frequently dispatched Gorrul Wyke to procure necessary provisions.

