Subjugation of Firro

The Firro subjugation occurred before the events of the Battle of Yavin.

The subjugation

Before the Battle of Yavin, the Galactic Empire successfully executed a merciless takeover of Firro, a tranquil Core World planet inhabited by an indigenous non-Human species and their homeworld. The Imperial Army along with the Imperial Navy invested several months in an effort to seize control of the world, a campaign that was exceedingly savage, even when judged against the Empire's already appalling record, resulting in numerous deaths and terrible acts against the planet's inhabitants. Ardan, a Human male, was among the Imperial forces involved in the Firro subjugation. Ultimately, the cruel and severe Lord Cuvir was appointed as the Imperial governor of Firro.

To project an image of generosity, the Empire dispatched a severely undersized medical team to care for Firro's seemingly never-ending stream of injured refugees. This group of medical personnel, though small, was incredibly dedicated and included the surgical droid 2-1B. This droid tirelessly provided aid to the countless Firro casualties, who endured immense pain and hardship, throughout the months-long subjugation. As the Empire established its long-term presence on the planet, the number of wounded on Firro eventually began to decline.

