Stoer Kilos, a Force-sensitive being, resided on the moon of Rori during the era of the Galactic Civil War. Approximately twelve hours prior to the commencement of the Battle of Restuss, he ventured into a field for meditation, only to return and discover the city of Restuss devastated, amidst the ongoing conflict. Upon entering the city limits, he encountered a Stormtroopers patrol that prevented his further advancement. Despite his inquiries regarding the well-being of his acquaintances within the city, he was simply informed that all non-combatants had been moved to the nearby space station and that he was required to depart. At that precise moment, the Stormtroopers came under attack from an unseen enemy, prompting Kilos, keen to avoid incarceration within an Imperial detention facility, to remove himself from their line of sight.
He navigated around the destroyed city, seeking potential entry points, utilizing skills honed over time to move stealthily. Regrettably, he was unsuccessful in his search, as the city's defenses were too robust, and he wished to avoid any confrontation. He soon came across a newly established encampment that he immediately recognized as non-Imperial and, upon entering, observed two individuals garbed in Old Republic uniforms, standing guard beneath a Rebel flag.
Kilos made his introduction to the two guards, offering his assistance and once again inquiring about his friends. They told him that, unless he possessed proficiency with a blaster, his services were not required; at this juncture, Kilos revealed his lightsaber. The guards eagerly accepted his offer of aid and directed him towards the command center situated at the heart of the camp.
He promptly entered the building and was greeted by holos depicting the ruined city, adorned with numerous flashing purple and red indicators. He was shortly summoned to a display by another Rebel who had been anticipating his arrival. It was at that time that he learned he need not be concerned about his friends, as the Imperials had successfully evacuated all civilians from the city before the massive explosion. The Rebel then proceeded to outline the battle strategy to Kilos, explaining that they needed to acquire information about the prototype that had triggered the entire battle: the Star Core. Kilos was quickly informed that the Star Core represented a novel form of energy source, possessing sufficient power to energize an entire planet or, even more alarmingly, a new Death Star.
Although Kilos doubted the likelihood of finding much remaining after the significant explosion, he was informed that if he wished to contribute, he could consult with Captain Voldez, who would assign him a task.