
A Steris (plural steri) represented a familial group among the Adnerem species originating from the planet Adner located within the Expansion Region. This unit encompassed a range of five to one hundred beings; commonly, a steris comprised sixty-four adults who collectively resided in a Steri-house. The inhabitants of the house, referred to as sterisi, either divided the upkeep and necessary work amongst themselves or engaged a steris of lesser influence to execute these tasks. The culture of the Adnerem was deeply centered on the steri, with an Adnerem's societal standing determined completely by their steris's position and their own influence within it. Occasionally, steris members with particularly strong bonds would establish a sterika, a platonic connection of such intensity that they began to perceive themselves as a unified being. Steris sometimes engaged in minor skirmishes known as raid-wars against other steris, seeking to shift the relative standing of their opponents. The aim of these clashes was never complete destruction, but rather to achieve victory and weaken the opposing steris, as a diminished steris could potentially become a future partner.

