Star Wars Insider 78 represents the seventy-eighth edition of the magazine, Star Wars Insider. Its availability on newsstands began on October 5, 2004. This particular issue included promotional card P1 from the 2004 Topps Star Wars Heritage set of trading cards published by Topps.
- " Prequel Update " (by Pablo Hidalgo) Lucasfilm returned to Shepperton Studios in England, a location of significant historical importance, for the initial phase of supplementary filming during the transition between August and September.
- " 50 Factoids About the Original Star Wars Trilogy " (by Daniel Wallace) In celebration of the Star Wars trilogy's DVD release, Insider has meticulously gathered 50 interesting facts about these iconic films. Use this knowledge wisely.
- " The Making of the Star Wars Trilogy DVDs: Restoring the Galaxy " (by Insider Staff) The films required a significant transformation before their release on DVD—a process that presented considerable challenges.
- " Star Wars Battlefront: See the Movies, Live the Battles " (by Justin Lambros) Insider engages in a conversation with Greg Borrud, the Executive Producer at Pandemic, to uncover details about the exclusive demo accompanying the DVDs.
- " The Menus of the Star Wars Trilogy DVDs: Navigating the Galaxy " (by Brett Rector) Insider interviews Van Ling to understand the DVD menu creation process. Furthermore, we detail the contents of the boxed set.
- " The Artist Strikes Back: An Interview with Ralph McQuarrie " (by Ron Magid) In the second installment of our three-part interview series, Ralph McQuarrie discusses with Ron Magid his contributions to bringing The Empire Strikes Back to life visually.
- " A Subject of the Divine " (by Abel Peña) Before the existence of Star Wars or even American Graffiti, George Lucas created THX 1138. Insider delves into Lucas' groundbreaking debut film as it becomes available on DVD.
- " Comlink "
- " Skywalking : News from Around the Galaxy"
- " Jedi Library " — Where's Wuher? (by Jason Fry)
- " Drawn by the Force " — The Royal Sampler (by Dan Wallace)
- " Technical Readout " — Jawa Sandcrawler (by Christopher Trevas)
- " Ask the Master " (by Pablo Hidalgo)
- " Scouting the Galaxy " (by Steve Sansweet)
- " Jabba's Collection " (by
- " Anchorhead Arcade " — Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (by Justin Lambros)
- " Best of Hyperspace " — He's Big, and He's Back: Chewbacca Returns (by Pablo Hidalgo and Bonnie Burton)
- Bantha Tracks Vol. 9
- " Laugh It Up, Fuzzball " (by Insider Staff)
Star Wars Insider #78 Online Supplement hosted on Hyperspace (content is no longer current, and the backup link is unavailable)
Star Wars Insider #78 archived in the Cargo Bay (content is no longer current; backup link provided)
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