Star Wars: The Old Republic: Galactic Strongholds

Star Wars: The Old Republic: Galactic Strongholds represents the third digital expansion pack for Star Wars: The Old Republic. Its initial public unveiling occurred on March 19, 2014, with the intended public launch set for October 2014. This expansion empowers players to acquire and personalize their own in-game residences, known as "strongholds," alongside guild capital vessels. Diverging from previous expansions, Galactic Strongholds forgoes new narrative content, focusing instead on introducing the Stronghold, Decoration, and Conquest systems into the game's framework. Since its initial release via Game Update 2.10, several new Strongholds have been incorporated, and decorations are frequently awarded in-game, as well as being commonly available within Cartel Market packs.


Announcement and promotion

Promotional Key Art for the expansion

At the start of that year, BioWare communicated their plans to launch two additional expansions in 2014, following the February release of Galactic Starfighter. During this period, Galactic Strongholds was neither confirmed nor even suggested. Leading up to the official announcement, Galactic Strongholds was cryptically referenced as the "SSHP," short for "Super Secret Housing Project." During a community livestream, the development team shared a brief preview, showcasing a character traversing an apartment located on Coruscant. No further details regarding the expansion were shared until the official announcement on March 19.

Mirroring the launch strategy of Galactic Starfighter, a range of incentives were announced for both subscribers and players with preferred access. These players were originally scheduled to receive early access to the expansion during June and July of 2014, respectively, with the official public launch planned for August.

In April, the announcement came that the expansion's release would be pushed back. New early access dates were set for August 19 for subscribers and September 16 for preferred access players. The full public release was rescheduled for October 14, 2014. Alongside the early access, subscribers were promised a complimentary apartment on Nar Shaddaa, a "Stronghold Label," and a character title. Preferred players would receive the label and title, but not the free apartment. Upon the public release in October, only the title would be granted. When the delay was confirmed, additional content was also revealed. Players gained the ability to acquire a stronghold on Tatooine, and guilds could use their ships to vie for planetary control. Stronghold features were also set to be broadened, allowing players to place pets, companions, and vehicles inside their residences.


  • Dromund Kaas/Coruscant (5000 credits )
  • Nar Shaddaa (250.000 credits)
  • Tatooine (2.000.000 credits)
  • Yavin 4 (2.000.000 credits)
  • Manaan (2.500.000 credits)
  • Umbara (8.000 credits)
  • Rishi (3.000.000 credits)
  • Alderaan (4.000.000 credits)
  • Vaiken Spacedock/Carrick Station (8 Galactic Seasons Tokens)

