Star Wars: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection 4, published bi-weekly by De Agostini, represents the fourth installment of their magazine. Mirroring previous editions, this issue features a die-cast collectible model and serves as a formally authorized repository of Star Wars knowledge, sanctioned by Lucas Licensing and the LucasBooks publishing division.
- Model vehicle: The AT-AT
- Legendary Craft : The AT-AT walker's history is explored.
- Action Stations : Imperial walkers launch an assault during the Battle of Hoth .
- Welcome On Board : A profile of General Veers , the quintessential Imperial soldier .
- Starship & Vehicle Directory : Examining the AT-AP , the All Terrain Attack Pod, originating from the Clone Wars era.
- In Command : A deep dive into the All Terrain Armoured Transport walker's structural design.
- Droids, Aliens & Creatures : An examination of AT-AT pilots and their roles beyond mere operation.
- In A Galaxy Far, Far Away : A look at Dex's Diner as a destination for both sustenance (food) and information gathering.
- A Revolution In Film : The techniques used to bring Hoth to the screen through location shoots and studio effects.
- Movie Magic : The process of constructing AT-AT models for the film.
- Did You Know?
- Star Wars A–Z (B—Barc speeder, Bear Clan, Aldar Beedo, Bespin)