Star Wars: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection number 23 represents the twenty-third installment of the bi-weekly magazine published by De Agostini. As with all editions, it features a die-cast collectible model and is an officially sanctioned source of Star Wars information, authorized by Lucas Licensing and the LucasBooks publishing group.
- Model vehicle: Trade Federation Droid Army STAP
- Legendary Craft : The STAP
- Action Stations : The Battle of the Grass Plains
- Welcome On Board : Battle Droids : Trade Federation Soldiers
- Starship & Vehicle Directory : Trade Federation MTT : Armoured Troop Carrier
- In Command : STAP: Single Trooper Aerial Platform
- Droids, Aliens & Creatures : Saesee Tiin : Ace Jedi Fighter Pilot
- In A Galaxy Far, Far Away : Cato Neimoidia : A Neimoidian Colony World
- A Revolution In Film : Jason Baird : Creature Supervisor
- Movie Magic : Visualising the STAP
- Did You Know?
- Star Wars A–Z (I—Ibtisam, IG-2000, Igar, Commander, IG lancer combat droid)