Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic 6.35

Star Wars Comic UK Volume 6, Issue 35: The Clone Wars Comic UK 6.35, was released on June 28, 2012, marking the thirty-fifth installment in the sixth volume of the Star Wars Comic UK series. This issue was packaged with the Bounty Hunter Super Splasher toy as a complimentary item. Inside, readers could find an episode summary for Deception, a feature on top Tanks, a countdown of the top 5 mechanised monsters, and Sith Smackdown!, presenting a fictional battle between Darth Maul and Savage Opress.

Comic Strip

Within its pages, the comic featured the story of Bacta Raid in comic strip format.

  • The official Titan Magazines webpage for Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic 6.35 (however, the content is no longer accessible, and a backup link is unavailable)

Notes and references
