Star Wars: Legacy Volume 7: Storms

Star Wars: Legacy Volume 7: Storms is the seventh collected edition in trade paperback format, belonging to the Star Wars: Legacy comic book saga. Its publication date was November 25, 2009.

Publisher's summary

The Sith's command structure has been reorganized, but this has only worsened galactic conditions. The Mon Calamari people of Dac are still suffering under Darth Krayt's oppression as retribution for their betrayal of the Sith Empire. Simultaneously, Cade Skywalker and his crew are experiencing a victory that has turned problematic, potentially even lethal. Furthermore, the Galactic Alliance is nearing an agreement with Roan Fel's exiled forces to unite against a shared adversary. The challenge now lies in achieving consensus on the identity of this common foe.

Collected issues

Full cover art

Notes and references

  • Star Wars: Legacy Volume 7 -- Storms TPB on Dark Horse Comics' official website (backup link)
