Spiral Galaxy

The Spiral Galaxy, a gambling establishment, existed on Vulta as a casino.


Situated on a bustling thoroughfare in close proximity to the spaceport on the planet of Vulta, the Spiral Galaxy was characterized by its smoky atmosphere, loud vocalizations, vibrant, blinking illuminations, and music. A drinking establishment was also part of the casino's features.


In an effort to converse in a location offering privacy, Zeerid Korr and Aryn Leneer visited the Spiral Galaxy. They chose a table in the corner of the bar section, where they deliberated Aryn's potential journey with Zeerid to Coruscant, the capital world of the Galactic Republic. Upon receiving confirmation that his freight was prepared for departure, he ultimately consented to Aryn accompanying him. They made a swift exit from the casino after becoming aware of multiple individuals observing their actions.

