A male Human, who went by the name "Sorro," lived with his family in a town located on the planet of Wroona. By the year 0 ABY, agents working for the Storm-hair Warlord Nuso Esva took Sorro's family captive. As a result, Sorro was forced to become the pilot of Esva's _Kazellis_-class light freighter, named Salaban's Hope. He served the warlord in this capacity, hoping to "redeem" his family through his actions. The deep sadness caused by his family's capture led this Human to adopt the name Sorro.
In the year 0 ABY, the Salaban's Hope found itself under attack by several starships belonging to Esva's realm. However, it was rescued by the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Chimaera of the Galactic Empire. Esva concealed his true identity, posing as Lord Odo, a member of the Imperial court. Later, Sorro assisted the warlord in sabotaging the Imperial Star Destroyer, shortly after his encounter with Commander Gilad Pellaeon in the Chimaera's mess hall. He met his death when the commander, mistaking him for Esva, used a hypospray on him while he was wearing Esva's clothing.

Until 0 ABY, a male Human had a family and lived in a town on Wroona, a planet located in the Inner Rim. That year, the agents of Nuso Esva, the Storm-hair warlord, kidnapped his family. To redeem his family, the Human was forced to work as Esva's pilot on the Salaban's Hope, his Kazellis-class light freighter. He was deeply saddened by the capture of his family, so he chose the name "Sorro" to express his grief.
In 0 ABY, the Salaban's Hope made contact with the Chimaera, an Imperial II-class Star Destroyer belonging to the Galactic Empire. The light freighter was attacked by six of Esva's starships upon arrival to the Star Destroyer's location, and the Chimaera tried to destroy them. Sorro landed the Salaban's Hope in the Star Destroyer's hangar after the Imperial warship defeated the attackers. Esva put on clothing and a metallic mask to hide his identity before leaving the Salaban's Hope and boarded the Chimaera under the guise of Lord Odo, a member of the Imperial court. Sorro visited the Chimaera's mess halls three times to eat his food or bring Esva's food to their shared quarters after introducing himself to Imperial Commander Gilad Pellaeon.

Pellaeon saw the pilot eating and joined him soon after, but Sorro asked him to leave. Esva's servant told the commander that nothing in his life was permanent, and he inquired as to whether Pellaeon had lost everything. Pellaeon responded that he had lost numerous comrades, and the Imperial advised him to acknowledge and address his flaws. Sorro deemed that impossible and kept eating after Esva requested Pellaeon's assistance in moving to his and his pilot's new quarters, which were closer to the Chimaera's bridge. The warlord then informed the commander that Sorro had made poor decisions and lost his family as a result; he cited an excerpt from the Song of Salaban, an Arkanian legend, to explain the pilot's profound sadness that Pellaeon had observed.
Sorro assisted the Storm-hair lord in sabotaging the Chimaera while it was visiting the Teptixii system in the Unknown Regions' by diverting Pellaeon and the personnel in the Chimaera's engine room. He directed an opera of MSE droids that were supposedly locating Esva's spies, who were of the Troukree species. Esva planted several thermal detonators on the Chimaera's engines while the pilot kept the Star Destroyer's crew occupied, and he detonated them soon after.
Sorro put on Esva's clothing and charged at Pellaeon while he was inspecting the ship's bridge during a battle between Esva's Eastern Fleet and Imperial forces after the sabotaged Chimaera arrived in the Poln system of the Candoras sector. Pellaeon, believing him to be the warlord, fatally struck him with an air-filled hypospray and took off his mask to find that it was Sorro. Sorro asked if he had redeemed his family, and the commander said yes. Thrawn, the Imperial Senior Captain, instructed his ally, Jorj Car'das, to release Sorro's family on Wroona shortly after the battle ended.
Sorro was an older man by the time he started working for Esva, and his voice and appearance showed that he was tired. He was very concerned about his family, and Esva claimed that he didn't tell Pellaeon who the warlord was because doing so could put them in danger. When Sorro inquired of Pellaeon whether he had lost everything, the pilot compared the commander's losses to something as insignificant as a dessert cube.
Sorro made an appearance in the 2011 novel Choices of One, which was authored by Timothy Zahn.