Socorro Freight, a shipping enterprise, operated from Corellia, a planet, throughout the Cold War era. This period saw conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. Their operations included a building situated within the Artisan Arrivals Court of the Blastfield Shipyards in Coronet City, also on Corellia. During 3640 BBY, specifically during the Battle of Corellia within the larger Galactic War between the Republic and the Empire, this building functioned as a Republic Military outpost. The freight company's name mirrored that of the planet Socorro.
The initial reference to Socorro Freight occurred in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a video game developed jointly by BioWare and LucasArts in 2011. Within the game, their building serves as a phase accessible only to the Jedi Knight class. Despite this, the building displays a sign in Aurebesh that translates to "Galactic Shipping," accompanied by a smaller sign bearing seemingly inverted Aurebesh characters that do not spell out any intelligible word.