Smuggler ship

A view from the rear of the smuggler vessel while it's docked at Fuel Station Ergo. This smuggler starship served the Galactic Empire's purposes during the Dark Trooper Project throughout the Galactic Civil War. Later, agent Kyle Katarn boarded it by force to get to the Super Star Destroyer called the Executor.


Layout of the smuggler ship

The vessel's form was rectangular. Its interior featured white hallways lined with panels, somewhat similar to a CR90 corvette's internal design. A keycard was required to enter the square bridge. On either side of the ship were two rectangular cargo holds.

Two corridors gave views of the cargo bays below. These could be reached by a staircase situated on the ship's rear-port side. Each bay was divided into three sections and included sliding platforms.


The Arc Hammer facility, where the Dark Trooper Project was underway, frequently jumped to hyperspace to maintain secrecy. Only the Executor was aware of its location at any given moment. Jabba Desilijic Tiure contracted smugglers employed by the Empire to transport the materials required for the Dark Trooper Project across the galaxy.

In 1 ABY, the Rebel Alliance dispatched agents Jan Ors and Kyle Katarn with the objective of sabotaging the Project, with the Executor being the only route to the top-secret factory.

Ors, knowing that Fuel Station Ergo supplied the Super Star Destroyer, instructed Kyle Katarn to disguise himself as a smuggler and seize a smuggler ship that was being resupplied at the station. At the time, the smuggler ship was docked in the northwestern hangar, and its bays were filled with cargo containers containing class 5 explosives, shields, and bio-tests. Gamorreans and Trandoshans patrolled its corridors.

The bridge of the ship.

Simultaneously, Katarn manipulated the fueling arm to connect with the docking bay of the targeted smuggler ship and boarded it. However, he was met with resistance from several individuals inside the ship. Katarn obtained a yellow keycard from a slain Imperial officer, which granted him access to the bridge. He then started the engines, but not before sharing a final message with Ors via comlink. He used the hijacked vessel to reach the Executor.

Eventually, the ship arrived at the Executor's hangar. However, Imperial forces boarded the ship to prevent Katarn from leaving the bridge. Katarn proceeded to the now-empty cargo bays, exited the ship into the Super Star Destroyer's main area, and continued his mission.

Behind the scenes

Map of the shp in mission 11, docked on Ergo. The cargo bays are full of containers. The areas inaccessible to the scenario are not designed by the game engine.

This ship is only seen in the 1995 video game Star Wars: Dark Forces. It is the objective of mission 11 ("Smuggler's Hijack"), representing the destination the player must reach to complete the mission. It reappears at the start of mission 12 ("The Stowaway"), from where the player must depart to reach the Executor.

