Slish Fondine

Slish Fondine, a Human of the male persuasion, was the proprietor of a blob corral situated on the planet Umgul.


During the year 11 ABY, information reached him via Lando Calrissian indicating that the Duchess of [Dargul]'s](/article/dargul) consort had been improperly utilizing one of Fondine's blobs to gain an unfair advantage, accumulating credits for the purpose of acquiring passage away from Umgul. Fondine initially desired the execution of Dack, as cheating in blob racing was an offense punishable by death on Umgul; however, he held back when Calrissian warned that such a move could trigger an interplanetary conflict between Umgul and Dargul. Subsequently, he received compensation in the form of a racing track named the Dack Track, a somewhat ironic gesture from the Duchess Mistal.

