In the year 3 ABY, a brief battle took place on the Outer Rim Territories planet Oro Sankeria. This conflict involved the forces of the Galactic Empire against a group belonging to the Crimson Dawn crime organization. The reason for this battle was that the Master Assassin named Ochi had tricked Imperial forces into going to Oro Sankeria. Ochi did this by falsely claiming to Imperial General Hurst Romodi that a team working for the Sith Lord Darth Vader had aligned with Crimson Dawn. When the team got to Oro Sankeria, they were suddenly attacked by TIE fighters led by Romodi. However, Ochi saved them, revealing that the team was just a trick. The real goal was to target a Crimson Dawn group, which Vader had taken control of to dismantle the syndicate. As the team and Ochi fled, the Imperial forces and Crimson Dawn engaged in combat. Eventually, the Crimson Dawn members detonated a pulse bomb. The explosion resulted in the death of all soldiers involved on both sides. Vader demonstrated his superior power compared to everyone else present during the fight.