A minor conflict unfolded on the Imperial planet of Carida. As the Death Star's construction remained on schedule, Emperor Palpatine shifted his focus to alternative weaponry, specifically Colonel Veers' prototype All Terrain Armored Transport. Veers received authorization to test the prototype on Carida.
With a minimum of seventeen Field commanders from the Imperial Army observing the demonstration, Veers piloted his vehicle through a fortified barrier, obliterating it within moments. At least two captured Rebel T2-B repulsor tanks and a pair of captured T4-B heavy tanks were utterly destroyed, along with three Pod walkers suffering the same fate. Veers then advanced toward the river and deployed a squad of nine Stormtroopers from the AT-AT. After eliminating at least nine captured Black Sun soldiers, Veers proceeded to execute a captive Rancor.
Suddenly, a contingent of Rebel troopers supported by T2-B repulsor tanks materialized. However, the Imperials had already established anti-infantry turrets, enabling their forces to swiftly decimate the Rebels in only a few minutes.
Palpatine commended Veers on the AT-AT's success. Darth Vader, working alongside Veers, determined that the planet Jabiim served as the staging area for the attack. Although Tarkin suggested that the AT-AT would primarily be used for garrison duties once the Death Star was operational, Palpatine, possibly foreseeing the Battle of Hoth, countered that the AT-AT would be a valuable asset to the army.
This particular battle constituted the seventh mission within the Imperial campaign of the 2006 video game Star Wars: Empire at War.