During the Flesh Raider uprising that took place on the Deep Core planet of Tython amidst the Cold War, Jedi Master Orgus Din's apprentice found themselves in a position where they had to protect the agricultural lands of Kalikori village from an assault launched by Flesh Raider saboteurs. In the year 3643 BBY, subsequent to a successful raid targeting a Flesh Raider shield generator situated in the Tythos Ridge mountains, the Padawan made their way back to the Twi'lek settlement of Kalikori Village, hoping to gather information regarding Din, who was at the head of a Jedi strike force engaged in an attack on the Flesh Raider command base. However, upon the Padawan's arrival, a Flesh Raider squad penetrated the village defenses and proceeded to set toxin mines within the Twi'leks' agricultural fields, thereby poisoning their crops. Following a request from Matriarch Ranna Tao'Ven of the village, the Padawan, utilizing the Force, fearlessly navigated the hazardous poisonous atmosphere to deactivate the mines, ultimately defeating the saboteurs and safeguarding the village.
Around 3643 BBY, as the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire was nearing its conclusion, the Flesh Raiders who were native to Tython, the Jedi Order's homeworld, began to escalate their attacks. The Order had recently come to the realization that Bengel Morr, a Nautolan and former Padawan of Jedi Master Orgus Din, who had disappeared during the Sacking of Coruscant ten years prior, was the orchestrator behind the Flesh Raiders' invasion. Din's newest apprentice had been tasked with disabling a Flesh Raider shield generator to facilitate an attack by another Jedi team on the Flesh Raider command base.
However, subsequent to deactivating the generator, Bengel Morr contacted Din's Padawan, issuing a warning about his intentions to dismantle the Order. Concerned about Morr's agenda, the apprentice swiftly returned to Kalikori village, seeking to caution Master Din.

As the Padawan made their way back to the Matriarch's compound, they were greeted by Ranna Tao'Ven – her mother Sumari had died in the Jedi's absence, which resulted in Tao'Ven becoming the new leader of the Pilgrims. Before Tao'Ven could discuss the whereabouts of Orgus, a villager by the name of Eseni hastily arrived and informed them of another Flesh Raider attack. The enemy had deployed toxin mines within the village's crop fields, which had poisoned one of the scouts who had attempted to approach them.
Tao'Ven implored the apprentice for assistance, expressing her belief that the Force could offer the young Jedi sufficient protection to neutralize the mines. The apprentice consented and hurried to the fields, where the enemy had strategically placed three toxin mines. By employing the Force power known as breath control to mitigate the majority of the gas's detrimental effects, the Padawan set about deactivating the mines. However, several Flesh Raiders who had concealed themselves underground emerged to confront the Jedi, attempting to thwart the apprentice's efforts, but the apprentice prevailed over them and successfully spared the village's crops from further devastation.
Upon returning to the Matriarch's building, Tao'Ven expressed her gratitude to the apprentice for their assistance. After presenting the Jedi with a token of appreciation from the village, she departed to disseminate the positive news to the community. Meanwhile, the apprentice established contact with Master Din through a holocomm and learned of his triumph against the Flesh Raiders. When the Padawan apprised Din of Morr's objective to obliterate the Jedi in order to ultimately reconstruct them and eradicate the Sith, he was relieved to discover that his former apprentice was not a Sith himself. During the assault on the Flesh Raiders' command base, Din had uncovered the locations of numerous other camps – a number that surpassed the capacity of the Jedi Council to address solely with Jedi Masters. Consequently, Din requested that his apprentice eliminate the base situated within the Kaleth ruins, given the apprentice's prior defeat of some of the natives who had been stationed at that camp.
The skirmish that unfolded in the Kalikori Village fields is featured in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game launched by BioWare on December 20, 2011. The raid encapsulates the events of the Jedi Knight class story mission titled "The Face of the Enemy," in which the player revisits the village in pursuit of Orgus Din but is compelled to thwart a Flesh Raider assault on the village.