The Skirmish on Chinshassa involved a short clash. Rebel pilots, led by Red Leader Luke Skywalker, fought against the nomadic warriors known as the Em'liy. This occurred in what was supposedly the home city of Lieutenant Shira Brie on Shalyvane.
Lieutenant Shira Brie, a pilot from Rogue Squadron, requested time off to visit her home planet, Shalyvane. Because the secret coordinates of the Rebel Alliance base on Arbra couldn't be shared, Commander Luke Skywalker decided to accompany her. Fellow pilots Hanc Thorben and Wald joined them. They reached the ruined city of Chinshassa. At the Circle of Kavaan, Brie performed a ritual, cutting her hand and letting blood drip onto the altar at the Circle's center, while the other pilots observed.
The arrival of a large group of nomadic warriors, the Em'liy, interrupted Brie's silent prayer. They started firing at the Rogues' position. The Rebels returned fire with their blasters. Brie revealed that the Em'liy had betrayed her people to the Galactic Empire long ago, resulting in the city's destruction. During the intense gunfight, Skywalker's droid, R2-D2, found an opening to a subterranean drainage system. Brie descended into the tunnel, but the entrance collapsed, trapping her inside. As the Em'liy hordes launched their final assault, the Rebels ran out of blaster ammunition. Skywalker prepared to fight as many as he could with his lightsaber before being overwhelmed. However, Brie's X-wing appeared overhead and attacked the warriors, killing many and forcing the rest to retreat.
Shira Brie was celebrated with the Burdine Cluster by the Rebel Alliance in a ceremony held back at Haven Base on Arbra for rescuing her squadmates. She was also promoted to the rank of Captain. After Skywalker seemingly killed Shira during a space battle, Luke learned that she had been an Imperial spy all along. Furthermore, Chinshassa had actually been the Em'liy's home before the Empire destroyed it to give Shira a believable history and reason for joining the Alliance.