SK-89 (Esskay-Aytnine), or simply Esskay, was a droid employed by the Kwikhaul Livery Corporation on the planet called Kwenn. SK-89, who had previously worked as a tour guide, was given the task of piloting one of the taxi company's landspeeders after its proprietor, Fraxa, substituted all human drivers with droids because of financial constraints, even though the droid was a general-purpose model and not specifically designed for driving. Upon their arrival on Kwenn, the Jedi Masters named Plo Koon and Saesee Tiin hailed SK-89's speeder from the Capital Key Spaceport, making them her initial customers. Aggrieved drivers, with the intention of dismantling SK-89, pursued her landspeeder to the Kwikhaul complex, where they had already wrecked numerous other droids belonging to the firm. Nevertheless, the two Jedi Masters successfully mediated the dispute between Kwikhaul and its workforce.