Sinuous designs, linked to Abeloth, were first discovered in 44 ABY by the Jedi Master known as Luke Skywalker. These carvings, found within Abeloth's ruins on her planet, were part of reliefs depicting serpents, vines, tentacles, ropes, and even entrails. Identical reliefs were also present on at least six other planets, all of which had experienced devastating cataclysms and become uninhabitable long before recorded history began. Examples of these worlds included Caulus Tertius in the Inner Rim and Shatuun in the Kathol Outback.
Dr. Insmot Bowen, an academic, and his team of researchers theorized in 1 BBY that the presence of these reliefs in the art of ancient civilizations was related to their contact with the powerful Celestials, which was then followed by destruction. Dr. Bowen also pointed out that the sinuous carvings bore a resemblance to the ancient ophidian grotesques located on Coruscant, a Core World. The relief's symbols matched those associated with the "Destructors" in the legends originating from Kesh, a world in Wild Space. Sinuous carvings were also found in the Celestial Palace of the ancient Thuruht hive, which resided on a world in the Reo system of the Maraqoo sector in Wild Space; these carvings included symbols of beasts and fiends that were unfamiliar to both the Jedi who had studied ophidian grotesques and the droid C-3PO.