Silika water

"Silika water" represented the Silika's name for a type of mineral water that produced an inebriating experience specifically for them, as described on the Silika page.

Within Silika society, Silika water held substantial significance. They developed a custom around Silika Water drinking competitions, complete with intricate regulations and ceremonies. Silika would issue challenges for these competitions, and once accepted, the challenge could not be withdrawn. To back out was considered shameful, punishable by execution. Success in these contests resulted in considerable renown (and credits due to frequent wagering). The Silika held in high regard and venerated those among them who were renowned for their repeated victories.

The offworlder known as Dannen Lifehold gained fame and respect among the Silika for his triumph over their previously unbeaten champion. He demonstrated the ability to consume five servings of Silika water, surpassing the capacity of any Silika, all without experiencing any of its effects. Naturally, given Lifehold's status as a Human, Silika water had absolutely no impact on him.

