Siin Suub

Siin Suub, occasionally presented as Sin Suub, was a male Sullustan who held a position on the board of the SoroSuub Corporation. During his tenure as the Chairman at SoroSuub, the organization forcefully displaced and superseded the existing government of Sullust, subsequently declaring their loyalty to the Galactic Empire. It was also known that Chairman Suub made use of industrial intelligence gatherers.


Siin Suub, whose name sometimes appears as "Sin Suub," was a male Sullustan bearing a common Sullustan family name that translated to "wainwright." As of 2 BBY (equivalent to Sullustan year 8,494), Suub functioned as a bureaucrat in the role of Chairman for the SoroSuub Corporation. Consequently, he wielded near-total, albeit unofficial, power over his planet of origin, Sullust, due to his company being the employer of half of the local population. Throughout his professional life, Suub employed several industrial intelligence operatives, with Vacander being a favored one.

On the sixty-second day of that same year, Chairman Suub officially sanctioned Corporate Proclamation 137d, which announced SoroSuub's alliance with and support for the Galactic Empire, while simultaneously condemning the Empire's adversary, the Alliance to Restore the Republic. This same Proclamation also stated that the SoroSuub Corporation was assuming control of Sullust, effectively extending all prior statements about SoroSuub to encompass Sullust as well.

However, the Sullustan populace did not overwhelmingly embrace the Empire; even as Suub delivered his declaration, numerous members of the species were actively fighting for the Rebel Alliance, achieving significant recognition within the organization.

Behind the scenes

The name "Siin Suub" was initially introduced in The Star Wars Sourcebook. The second edition of that book, along with Alliance Intelligence Reports, refer to him as "Sin Suub." Conversely, the novel Millennium Falcon uses the original spelling, "Siin." Given that Millennium Falcon, published in 2008, represents the most recent canonical source, this article adheres to the most up-to-date spelling of his name.

