Sienar Army Systems

Sienar Army Systems originated as a subsidiary company under the umbrella of Santhe/Sienar Technologies. This entity was established during the Emperor's Reborn campaign, with the express purpose of providing newly manufactured war machines to bolster his revitalized military forces. The person responsible for its creation was Lady Valles Santhe, who held the position of Director at Santhe/Sienar Technologies at the time. Despite manufacturing the TIE Crawler that saw action during the Empire's recapture of Coruscant, Sienar Army Systems did not manage to gain the same level of fame or distinction as Sienar Fleet Systems, and ultimately became known as an unsuccessful venture. The intention behind Sienar Army Systems was to mirror the role of SFS on land, developing ground-based vehicles for the Imperial Army in parallel to SFS's provision of starships for the Imperial Navy.


  • Dark Empire Sourcebook
  • The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels
  • The New Essential Guide to Characters
  • Arms & Equipment Guide Extras! on (original site is defunct)
  • The Official Star Wars Fact File 69 (TIE 9-10: TIE Crawler)

Notes and references
