The Shwuy Perimeter represented a point of interest in astrographical terms. This location was named after the Shwuy sector found within the Colonies' region, and also shared its name with the Shwuy Exchange, which was a hyperlane used by the Colonies that cut through the aforementioned sector.
During the time when the Galactic Empire was in power (reign), a diminutive merchant starship conducted business near the Shwuy Perimeter, in addition to the Parmic sector of the Outer Rim Territories'. Due to Imperial taxation, trade was sluggish. To increase their earnings, the vessel's crew, which featured a navigator, eventually resorted to smuggling and raids on planetside locations. Following an encounter with an Imperial patrol during one of these raids, the crew dispersed. The navigator then turned to pirate activities, and allegedly joined the Khuiumin Survivors pirate organization.
The Shwuy Perimeter is referenced within "Entering 'The Life'," a brief story included as supplementary material in the Pirates & Privateers sourcebook from 1997. Timothy S. O'Brien wrote the book, which West End Games published for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game.