Shockwave, an Imperial-class Star Destroyer, came into existence at the clandestine Deep Core shipyards belonging to Warlord Blitzer Harrsk.
An Imperial-class Star Destroyer, the Shockwave boasted a significant enhancement in high-powered weaponry. Its firepower was such that it could eradicate a Victory-class Star Destroyer with just one attack.
The Shockwave, functioning as Harrsk's flagship, met its end when Treuten Teradoc's forces decimated it during a unification discussion between Harrsk and Admiral Daala. The demise of the Shockwave had far-reaching consequences; Commander [Kratas], a friend of Admiral Daala, was touring the ship when it was destroyed. His resulting death became a primary motivation for Daala to exact vengeance on the Imperial Warlords, leading her to pursue their elimination and claim the title of Supreme Commander over the remaining Imperial forces.