Shirlee Faughn was a smuggler of the Human female variety. She was a member of Samuel Tomas Gillespee's group and later worked for Talon Karrde.
As a young adult, she became a member of Gillespee's organization, where she began as a communications expert. Eventually, she advanced through the ranks and became his second-in-command. When Grand Admiral Thrawn took [Ukio](/article/ukio-legends] into custody, she and Rappapor assisted their leader in escaping.
When Gillespee incorporated his organization into Talon Karrde's Smugglers' Alliance, Faughn moved over to his service and took on the role of captain of the Starry Ice, reporting to Mara Jade. She was the pilot of the Starry Ice when the former Emperor's Hand rescued Luke Skywalker in the Kauron asteroid field, and she later transported her to Nirauan. After Mara vanished on that planet, Faughn had to leave her behind in order to inform Talon Karrde.