The shenbit bonecrusher, a sizable meat-eating reptile, originated from the planet called Barab I. Its body was protected by a covering of rigid, spiky plates. Furthermore, it possessed a pair of horns and an elongated tail.
Barabels would hunt bonecrushers both for the thrill of the hunt and for sustenance. Despite the significant threat the shenbit posed to many humanoid species across the galaxy, Barabels viewed them as relatively commonplace game. Actually, within the Barabel language, the term "shenbit" had a meaning close to "feeble individual" when rendered into Galactic Basic Standard.
The species served as the namesake for both the Braxant Bonecrusher and the shenbit bonecrusher blow.
Saba Sebatyne frequently used shenbits as points of reference when drawing parallels or providing illustrations.