Sheh Soahi

Sheh Soahi was a celestial body situated within the Cassander sector, itself a component of the larger Trans-Hydian Borderlands region. During the time of the Cold War, which pitted the First Order, the successor organization to the former Galactic Empire, against the Resistance, a small military force formed by New Republic senator Leia Organa, a group of pirates who were active in the sector made Sheh Soahi their operational base.

In the year 34 ABY, the Resistance discovered the First Order's plan to gain control of the Cassander sector by arming the pirates who operated there. To counter this threat, the Resistance dispatched a squadron of bombers and starfighters with the mission of eliminating both the pirates and the First Order presence. Following a battle that took place on Mamkoda, and a rescue operation to Caraxl, Resistance intelligence operatives determined that the pirate's headquarters was located on Sheh Soahi. Using this information, a Resistance fleet attacked the base, ultimately destroying it after a significant engagement.

Behind the scenes

The first mention of Sheh Soahi occurred in the 2017 canon journal replica, titled The Last Jedi: Bomber Command, and authored by Jason Fry.


  • The Last Jedi: Bomber Command (First mentioned)
  • " The Resistance " — Star Wars Encyclopedia
  • Star Wars: Timelines

Notes and references
