Shattered Lake

The Shattered Lake existed on the planet of Ilum. This snow-covered area with rocky mesas was situated close to the Jedi Temple on the planet, and it was here that generations of Jedi younglings participated in the Gathering ritual to discover their individual kyber crystals. Before the Great Jedi Purge occurred, Jedi Master Ooba-Neba Nocci once guided a group of younglings to undertake the Gathering. Prior to their entrance into the Jedi Temple, Nocci and his students convened by a campfire at the Shattered Lake, where Nocci gave instructions to the younglings to utilize their skills with prudence in the trial ahead. In 14 BBY, some years later, the Jedi Padawan named Cal Kestis traveled to Ilum after his lightsaber suffered destruction on Dathomir. Amidst a powerful snowstorm, his crew landed their ship, known as the Stinger Mantis, upon the Shattered Lake before he and BD-1 proceeded into the Temple. After constructing a new lightsaber, Kestis came back to find Imperial forces encroaching upon the Mantis. Wielding his new weapon, he engaged in combat with two AT-STs within the Lake before departing from the planet.

