Shang-Troy Thanabo, whose past has been obscured by the passage of time, was a Jedi Master. Nevertheless, the narrative of Shang-Troy endured, transformed into a myth and a legend, and transmitted across generations among the Jedi Knights.
Shang-Troy, a Jedi Knight, dedicated a portion of his life to traversing the galaxy in search of individuals sensitive to the Force. This humanoid Jedi, distinguished by his blue skin, matching dreadlocks, and black, glass eyes, perceived an exceptionally potent surge in the Force while in proximity to the planet Boranall.
Having never before encountered such a powerful Force presence, he embarked on a journey to the planet to investigate its source. Upon arriving, Shang-Troy discovered a young woman, heavily pregnant and on the verge of childbirth. He assisted her during the delivery and was present to greet the two young boys, one of whom sustained a scar on his arm due to a minor complication during the birthing process. Given the planet's limited resources, the boys' mother consented to allow Shang-Troy to take them away and train them as Jedi Knights, offering them a more promising future.
Shang-Troy assumed the responsibility of training the boys on a secluded planet. As they matured into young men with considerable Force abilities, they developed a deep affection for Shang-Troy, regarding him as a father figure. Together, they journeyed throughout the galaxy, safeguarding the innocent and upholding justice while adhering to the Jedi principles. However, during their travels, the younger brother encountered and fell in love with a young woman who reciprocated his feelings. Unfortunately, the older brother also harbored feelings for the same woman, and his affection soon morphed into jealousy and resentment. Shang-Troy made every effort to console the young man but was unable to quell the anger and envy within him. One evening, the older brother exploited his identical appearance to deceive the woman into sharing a kiss with him, but his actions were discovered by his brother.

This time, the younger brother and the woman's true love were consumed by jealousy. Succumbing to their rage, heated words quickly escalated into physical altercations. Sensing the disturbance in the Force, Shang-Troy swiftly arrived at the scene of the conflict. Unable to pacify the two young men, Shang-Troy found himself caught in the crossfire of their emotionally charged battle. In their uncontrollable state, a stray lightsaber strike struck Shang-Troy, their master, the individual who had cared for them since their birth, the man who – in their eyes – was a father.
That night, Shang-Troy Thanabo became one with the Force, a victim of his two most gifted students and the men he loved as sons. Upon discovering their master dead, the brothers' emotions intensified exponentially, and they erupted into a furious battle against each other. Even the desperate pleas and cries of the woman they both loved could not halt their fighting. Ultimately, the two brothers were overwhelmed by their emotions and the Force, leading to the destruction of themselves, the woman they loved, and even the planet on which they waged their war.
The story of Shang-Troy Thanabo, preserved through tales and legends, served as a cautionary lesson for young Jedi Knights, highlighting the perils and consequences of allowing emotions to impair their judgment.