Sevarcos II, located within the Sevarcos system, was the sole planet capable of supporting life. It served as the exclusive origin point for the spice variations known as carsunum and andris, which constituted its only export commodity. In the year 52 BBY, Jedi Master Dooku mediated the Sevarcos Dispute, an event that would significantly shape galactic history and ultimately contribute to the rise of the Galactic Empire.
Resembling Tatooine in its aridity and ruggedness, Sevarcos displayed a landscape dominated by brown and amber hues, a consequence of the orange light emitted by its sun, Lumea. The southern hemisphere was characterized by extreme dryness and expansive deserts, while the northern hemisphere was largely mountainous. Broad plains stretched across the equatorial region. Persistent, fierce winds perpetually swept across the planet, generating numerous sandstorms in the south and reaching gale forces during specific annual equinoxes. These conditions earned the planet the moniker "The World of Endless Wind." Temperatures fluctuated drastically, with scorching heat during the day and cool conditions at night.
Despite its harsh surface, the planet's subsurface contained an extensive network of underground tunnels and waterways, including small lakes and pools. In contrast to the barren surface, this subterranean realm teemed with diverse plant and animal species adapted to life in perpetual darkness.
With the notable exception of the giant, burrowing sandworms referred to as spice eels, most of the planet's lifeforms posed little threat. Nomadic Sevari tribes hunted these spice eels within the subterranean tunnels.
The population density of the system was sparse. The inhabitants consisted of three distinct groups: the indigenous Human Sevari, the mining workforce, and Imperial personnel. The planet boasted six primary starports, comprising two Imperial and four civilian facilities.

Sevari society adhered to a strict clan-based structure, governed by a council of spice lords. The Sevari utilized equipment dating back to the era of the Galactic Republic and commonly employed flashpistols as their primary weapons, given that blaster technology posed a hazard within Sevarcos' spice-rich atmosphere. They had also developed a specialized type of repulsorlift barge, known as a wind rider, that harnessed the planet's unremitting winds.
During the Cold War, rumors circulated that several Spice lords had concealed their valuables within the Sevarcos II desert wastelands.
During the Clone Wars, the planet fell within Separatist territory.
During the reign of the Galactic Empire, the Empire asserted control over the extraction and trade of Sevarcan spice, thereby maintaining a firm grip on the entire Sevarcos system.
The planet was subject to a continuous Imperial planetary blockade, enforced by multiple Victory-class Star Destroyers and a large contingent of TIE fighters, including the Fate's Judges. Landing privileges were granted to traders only upon receipt of an Imperial trade permit issued by local branches of the Ministry of InterGalactic Transit. The planetary blockade subjected nearly all vessels, starting from light freighters and larger, to customs inspections. The Imperial forces stationed in the Sevarcos system were under the command of planetary commandant Velpar Raftin, who possessed direct authority over all Imperial ground forces and equipment, encompassing a walker battalion, a repulsorlift battalion, artillery and line armor regiments, several stormtrooper battalions, and various other Imperial personnel. He also oversaw the construction of new prison and mining complexes.
A specialized variant of stormtrooper, trained for mine deployment, was extensively utilized on Sevarcos and became known as a "Minetrooper." These Minetroopers, along with Imperial commissars, supervised the spice mining operations and were responsible for maintaining maximum spice production through strict disciplinary measures.
The planet's pervasive spice content permeated the surface, the subsurface, and the atmosphere. The presence of airborne spice granules led to a phenomenon known as "catching the wind," in which unprotected individuals experienced dizziness, nausea, and euphoria due to the inhalation of spice particles. The wearing of breath masks was common on Sevarcos. The air within the subterranean environment contained such a high concentration of pure spice that prolonged exposure proved fatal.

Spice mining of the planet's substrata began with the initial colonization of Sevarcos. Over time, the practice of employing prisoners, rather than ordinary citizens, in the harsh mining conditions became widespread. During the Galactic Empire's rule, the mining population consisted of a mixture of criminals, political prisoners, and even droids confined within penal mining colonies and forced into labor.
The mining process typically commenced with mining refinery platforms traversing the planet's surface. Upon identifying a resource-rich location, mining shafts were extended into the planet's interior. Within these shafts, miners—often lacking breath masks—used low-power laser torches and sonic hammers to extract spice-rich rock fragments, which were then loaded onto grav carts and transported to the refinery platform for processing.
Life within the mines was exceptionally arduous. Numerous hazards existed, including frequent cave-ins, aggressive spice eels, and the ever-present, noxious, spice-laden atmosphere. A sentence of labor in the Sevarcos spice mines was widely considered a death sentence. Taskmasters, themselves prisoners demonstrating a talent for often-brutal leadership, oversaw the miners. Loyalty among the inmates was nonexistent, and prisoners readily informed on one another.
Despite the Empire's claims to the contrary, escapes occurred with some frequency. Bribery or corruption typically played a role, but mix-ups were also common, allowing inmates to infiltrate cargo haulers, automated barges, and occasionally even capital ships. Rumors also suggested that the Rebel Alliance maintained agents in the area who specialized in rescuing Rebel personnel captured by the Empire and consigned to the mines.
During the era of the Galactic Republic, spice smuggling from Servacos was met with disapproval and was regarded as a capital offense. With Palpatine in control of the galaxy, the Empire maintained a stringent grip on the planet and completely monopolized the spice trade. Nevertheless, a network of smugglers achieved considerable success in smuggling spice undetected by the Empire, employing various deceptive tactics, such as concealing spice within shipments of ore, stone, or general commodities, and acquiring trade permits through bribery or forgery.